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Professional Experience

Read about my previous internships below.

UF/IFAS Extension Internship
May 2022 - July 2022


Interning with the Okaloosa County Extension

Agriculture and Natural Resources

Over the summer, I worked as an intern under the County’s agriculture and natural resources Extension agent. Over the internship, I helped implement a drone camp where youth were able to build their own drone and learn to program and fly it.

For the various workshops that the Extension agent conducted, I handled creating and administering surveys along with summarizing these surveys' findings. I also was able to help with field visits to farms and community meetings. A lot of the field work was focused on damages caused by wildlife. During my internship, my supervising agent actually was a part of a TV show's episode focused on hog damage in the Florida Panhandle. As part of their filming, I got meet the competition-winning chef who would be cooking on the show!


I loved the diversity of work that Extension agents have. Along with this, the Extension agents are really involved in their local community. There is a lot of satisfaction with the work you'd get to do as an agent. Prior to this, I never knew all the services that my local Extension office offered. In the future, I'd love to work as an Extension agent.


Stuck in the Mud

One of my favorite parts of the internship was visiting the farms. I really enjoyed being outdoors and seeing all the crops farmers were growing.


On one visit, the Extension agent and I were investigating some damage caused by wild hogs and deer in a farmer's cotton field. As we were starting to leave, we got stuck! After waiting a while, a nearby farmer  luckily came by and gave us a tow.  All in all, it was a funny experience and a highlight of my summer internship.

USAID/Nigeria Office of Economic Growth and Environment - VSFS Internship
Sept. 2021 - May 2022


The Perfect Opportunity

I had been searching for internships where I could actually focus on West Africa. The Virtual Student Federal Service (VSFS) project with USAID/Nigeria was the perfect match! I was able to gain an understanding of how USAID-funded activities are administered and monitored while working remotely, part-time.

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene

In my position, I was responsible for supporting the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) advisors and contracting officer representatives by reviewing reports from USAID implementing partners.

A Unique Time

The range of activities that the US Mission in Nigeria had was quite large. With this, I had a lot of reports to read and it was quite the learning experience overall. One of the most interesting aspects of this internship was seeing the challenges that many of these development projects face.  The window into international development that this internship gave me was invaluable.


Many of the activities were operating in areas where people were facing extreme hardship. In northeast Nigeria, conflict had put many Nigerians into crisis. The activities hoping to alleviate this hardship and improve sustainable access to WASH services had to adapt to evolving security issues. The importance of communications and engagement with local communities was paramount to both safety, success, and sustainability of the implemented programs.

A Global Pandemic

A global pandemic really helps highlight the importance of proper hygiene to prevent the spread of disease. It gave me a newfound appreciation for the work that was being implemented. Yet, at the same time, the pandemic forced  difficult changes and adaptations. In particular, I remember there being significant delays in construction due to global supply chains disruptions.


In the end, my internship with USAID was an amazing experience. The people I got to work with were inspirational and great mentors. Although the virtual work environment could be difficult, I learned so much through the Virtual Student Federal Service program. I hope one day to be able to work, in-person, in West Africa.

Highlighted Skills

Through my internships, coursework, and involvement, I have developed an array of skills.


Data Analysis

With my economics degree, I've had to utilize MS Excel and programming to analyze agricultural and economic data.

Image by Scott Graham

Technical Writing

From my UF/IFAS Extension internship and my USAID/Nigeria internship, I've gained experience reviewing and analyzing reports.

Handshake 1

Community Engagement

With my UF/iFAS Extension experience along with being a student ambassador, I've improved and applied my ability to connect with people.

  • C++
  • R
  • HTML & CSS
  • English (Native)
  • French (A2)
  • Survey Research
  • Ag. Extension
  • Trade Analysis

William Gendron Portfolio

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